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How to use digital twin technology and Building Information Modelling (BIM) to work faster and smarter

Advanced technologies like verified digital twins and Building Information Modelling (BIM) can have a significant impact across the complete life cycle of a building, from planning and design to facilities management, enabling professionals to work faster and smarter.

The ROI of digital twins is clear

Digital twins unlock transformational benefits across the operations, maintenance and life cycle of commercial real estate. According to research by EY: digital twins can increase building maintenance and operational efficiency by 35%.

Source: EY “Digital twin: the Age of Aquarius in construction and real estate” report

Stak's millimetre accurate digital data is accessible remotely, helping teams understand exactly what space they have and make informed decisions.

Source: Autodesk - Demystifying Digital Twin eBook

Understanding Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is a sophisticated digital process that revolutionises the way construction projects are planned, designed and managed. BIM integrates crucial project data, including 3D models, materials, and schedules, into a collaborative platform accessible to all stakeholders. With BIM, all project participants can access and contribute to the model, making it a truly multidisciplinary and coordinated approach to development and real estate management.

Example Stak 3D Revit model
Example Stak 3D Revit® model

The benefits of verified digital twins and BIM integration

Streamlined collaboration

The integration of digital twins and BIM creates a collaborative environment where project managers, architects, and other stakeholders can work together seamlessly. Real-time access to the virtual model facilitates effective communication, enhances coordination, and fosters data-driven decision-making.

Efficient design validation and iteration

Combining digital twins with BIM enables efficient design validation and iteration. Stakeholders can visualise the project in a dynamic environment, assess its feasibility, and quickly incorporate feedback to refine the design. This iterative approach reduces errors, minimises costly changes during construction, and ensures the final design meets client expectations.

Optimised resource allocation and cost management

Integrating digital twins and BIM allows for comprehensive project data consolidation, enabling stakeholders to optimise resource allocation and cost management. By monitoring resource usage in real-time, identifying potential bottlenecks, and recommending data-driven solutions, project managers and architects can enhance cost control and mitigate risks.

Enhanced asset management and life cycle tracking

Enhanced asset management and life cycle tracking: digital twins and BIM together offer unparalleled advantages in facility management and life cycle tracking. From initial design to post-construction operations, the virtual replica provides insights for effective maintenance, efficient space utilisation, and improved sustainability strategies. Property managers have complete building records for support and maintenance, and can further integrate with sensor data. Asset managers can develop a complete view of their portfolio with complete 3D as-built data of their assets.

31% use digital twins to improve employee or customer safety
Source: Gartner survey

Accurate spatial data is the critical foundation required when digitising existing properties

Spatial data is dynamic and accurate data about the built environment. At Stak, we leverage cloud-based computer vision and machine learning algorithms with primary data capture. Our Capture-as-a-Service incorporates award-winning software, LiDAR scanners and RICS certified Digital Surveyors, so our spatial data can be accurately and rapidly collected, updated, and relied upon across the real estate value chain.

Accurate spatial data capture serves as the critical foundation for successful digital twin and BIM integration. Precise interior spatial mapping ensures the accuracy of virtual replicas, providing stakeholders with reliable and actionable insights. Whether visualising the project, conducting design reviews, or assessing facility management needs, accurate spatial data enables efficiency and precision at every stage. With Stak's awarding end-to-end technology, 3D laser scanning and market-leading operating model, real estate professionals can rely on a robust foundation that underpins their entire project life cycle.

Harnessing the power of digital twin technology and Building Information Modelling (BIM) empowers real estate professionals to work faster and smarter. By integrating these advanced tools, you can streamline project workflows, improve collaboration, and make data-driven decisions that lead to successful and sustainable outcomes. With accurate spatial data as the foundation of your projects, you can unlock the true potential of commercial real estate.

To get started with Stak's industry-leading digital twins and BIM, contact our team today to discuss your project requirements.

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