Best-in-class digital assets for commercial real estate

From a single site visit and capture, we can produce the following deliverables at speed.

Every team can improve efficiency with Stak data

Estate management

With Stak Verified®
  • Ensure that rents & rates are optimised
  • Accurately assess capital values and building reinstatement valuations
  • Visual source of reference
  • Cohesive & consistent marketing collateral with rapid turnaround times
With Stak CAD
  • Integral to planning applications and listed building consents
  • Facilitates license to alteration consents
With Stak Revit
  • Efficiency in inspections, ratings and valuations
  • Facilitate streamlined landlord and tenant issue discussions
  • Identification of vacant space
  • Assessment of divisibility
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
  • Tagging of wayleaves and rights of way / adjacent licenses
With additional Stak assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
  • Facilitate dilapidations condition report
  • Accurate, consistent level of compliance and presentation

Transaction management

With Stak Verified®
  • Cohesive & consistent marketing collateral with rapid turnaround times
  • Facilitating desktop valuations
With additional Stak assets
  • Identify all buildings within ownership

Facilities management

With Stak Verified®
  • Assess general arrangement and areas for maintenance optimisation
  • Fire safety plans
  • Health & safety plans
With Stak CAD
  • Move management / building restacks
With Stak Revit
  • Identify location of assets within all properties
  • Move management / building restacks
  • Basis for CAFM system & BIM modelling
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
With additional Stak assets
  • Identify all buildings within ownership

Project management

With Stak Verified®
  • Assess general arrangement and areas for design opportunities
  • Visual source of reference
With Stak Revit
  • Review potential opportunities within the portfolio
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • Immediate desktop analysis, increasing speed and reducing cost
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
With additional Stak assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
  • Facilitates dilapidations condition report
  • Identify all buildings within ownership

Design and fit-out

With Stak Verified®
  • Assess general arrangement plans for design opportunities
  • Analysis of accurate area calculations
  • Visual source of reference
With Stak CAD
  • Immediate production of architectural drawings without revisiting site
  • All drawings conform to architectural standards
  • Measurement guaranteed and insured to 99% accuracy
With Stak Revit
  • Review potential opportunities within the portfolio
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • Immediate desktop analysis, increasing speed and reducing cost
  • Reduced consultant costs
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement
  • Rebranding; 3D modelling to become the point of sale
With additional Stak assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation

Climate and environmental

With Stak Verified®
  • Foundation for evaluation of EPC compliance
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • Visual source of reference
With Stak CAD
  • Accurate information to better assess efficient of buildings
With Stak Revit
  • Foundation for evaluation of ESG compliance
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • All evaluations based on accurate cubic capacity
  • Assess efficiency to support SBTI (Science Based Targets Initiative)
Estate management
Show and hide content
With Stak Verified®
  • Ensure that rents & rates are optimised
  • Accurately assess capital values and building reinstatement valuations
  • Visual source of reference
  • Cohesive & consistent marketing collateral with rapid turnaround times
With Stak CAD
  • Integral to planning applications and listed building consents
  • Facilitates license to alteration consents
With Stak Revit
  • Efficiency in inspections, ratings and valuations
  • Facilitate streamlined landlord and tenant issue discussions
  • Identification of vacant space
  • Assessment of divisibility
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
  • Tagging of wayleaves and rights of way / adjacent licenses
With additional Stak assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
  • Facilitate dilapidations condition report
  • Accurate, consistent level of compliance and presentation
Transaction management
Show and hide content
With Stak Verified®
  • Cohesive & consistent marketing collateral with rapid turnaround times
  • Facilitating desktop valuations
With additional Stak assets
  • Identify all buildings within ownership
Facilities management
Show and hide content
With Stak Verified®
  • Assess general arrangement and areas for maintenance optimisation
  • Fire safety plans
  • Health & safety plans
With Stak CAD
  • Move management / building restacks
With Stak Revit
  • Identify location of assets within all properties
  • Move management / building restacks
  • Basis for CAFM system & BIM modelling
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
With additional Stak assets
  • Identify all buildings within ownership
Project management and consulting
Show and hide content
With Stak Verified®
  • Assess general arrangement and areas for design opportunities
  • Visual source of reference
With Stak Revit
  • Review potential opportunities within the portfolio
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • Immediate desktop analysis, increasing speed and reducing cost
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
With additional Stak assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
  • Facilitates dilapidations condition report
  • Identify all buildings within ownership
Design and fit-out
Show and hide content
With Stak Verified®
  • Assess general arrangement plans for design opportunities
  • Analysis of accurate area calculations
  • Visual source of reference
With Stak CAD
  • Immediate production of architectural drawings without revisiting site
  • All drawings conform to architectural standards
  • Measurement guaranteed and insured to 99% accuracy
With Stak Revit
  • Review potential opportunities within the portfolio
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • Immediate desktop analysis, increasing speed and reducing cost
  • Reduced consultant costs
  • Enhanced stakeholder engagement
  • Rebranding; 3D modelling to become the point of sale
With additional Stak assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
Climate and environmental
Show and hide content
With Stak Verified®
  • Foundation for evaluation of EPC compliance
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • Visual source of reference
With Stak CAD
  • Accurate information to better assess efficient of buildings
With Stak Revit
  • Foundation for evaluation of ESG compliance
  • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
  • All evaluations based on accurate cubic capacity
  • Assess efficiency to support SBTI (Science Based Targets Initiative)
Stak Verified®
Stak CAD
Stak BIM
Additional assets

Estate management

Show and hide content
Stak Verified®
  • Ensures that rents & rates are optimised
  • Accurately assess capital values and building reinstatement valuations
  • Visual source of reference
  • Cohesive & consistent marketing collateral with rapid turnaround times
Stak CAD
  • Integral to planning applications and listed building consents
  • Facilitates license to alteration consents
Stak BIM
  • Efficiency in inspections, ratings and valuations
  • Facilitates streamlined landlord and tenant issue discussions
  • Identification of vacant space
  • Assessment of divisibility
  • Assistance to help desk to facilitate identification of issues
  • Tagging of wayleaves and rights of way / adjacent licenses
Additional assets
  • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
  • Facilitates dilapidations condition report
  • Accurate, consistent level of compliance and presentation

Transaction management

Show and hide content
Stak Verified®
  • Cohesive & consistent marketing collateral with rapid turnaround times
  • Facilitating desktop valuations
      Additional assets
      • Identify all buildings within ownership

      Facilities management

      Show and hide content
      Stak Verified®
      • Assess general arrangement and areas for maintenance optimisation
      • Fire safety plans
      • Health & safety plans
      Stak CAD
      • Move management and building restacks
      Stak BIM
      • Identify location of assets within all properties
      • Move management and building restacks
      • Basis for CAFM system & BIM modelling
      • Assistance to help desk to facilitate
        identification of issues
      Additional assets
      • Identify all buildings within ownership

      Project management and consulting

      Show and hide content
      Stak Verified®
      • Assess general arrangement and areas for maintenance optimisation
      • Visual source of reference
      Stak CAD
        Stak BIM
        • Review potential opportunities within the portfolio
        • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
        • Immediate desktop analysis, increasing speed and reducing cost
        • Enhanced stakeholder engagement
        Additional assets
        • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation
        • Facilitates dilapidations condition report
        • Identify all buildings within ownership

        Design & fit-out

        Show and hide content
        Stak Verified®
        • Assess general arrangement and areas for design opportunities
        • Analysis of accurate area calculations
        • Visual source of reference
        Stak CAD
        • Immediate production of architectural drawings without revisiting site
        • All drawings conform to architectural standards
        • Measurements guaranteed and insured
          to 99% accuracy
        Stak BIM
        • Review potential opportunities within the portfolio
        • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
        • Immediate desktop analysis, increasing speed and reducing cost
        • Reduced consultant costs
        • Enhanced stakeholder engagement
        • Rebranding: 3D modelling to become the point of sale
        Additional assets
        • Assess portfolio area usage to ensure optimisation

        Climate & environmental

        Show and hide content
        Stak Verified®
        • Foundation for evaluation of EPC compliance
        • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
        • Visual source of reference
        Stak CAD
        • Accurate information to better assess efficient of buildings
        Stak BIM
        • Foundation for evaluation of ESG compliance
        • Review and analyse assets virtually, reducing physical inspections
        • All evaluations based on accurate cubic capacity
        • Assess efficiency to support SBTI
          (Science Based Targets Initiative)

          About us

          Stak is the global leader in commercial real estate measurement

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          Let’s discuss your requirements

          If you’re interested in digitising real estate or have any questions, get in touch with our team today.

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