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Gross External Area Drawing

Example Stak GEA Plan

A scaled drawing, detailing the area measured externally at each floor level


  • Town planning
  • Rating and council tax
  • Building cost estimation


  • Digital PDF print

GEA Exclusions

  • External open-sided balconies, covered ways and fire escapes.
  • Canopies.
  • Open vehicle parking areas, roof terraces, and the like.
  • Voids over or under structural, raked or stepped floors.
  • Greenhouses, garden stores, fuel stores, and the like in residential properties.

GEA Inclusions

  • Perimeter wall thickness and external projections.
  • Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions.
  • Columns, piers, chimney breasts, stairwells, lift-wells, and the like.
  • Atria and entrance halls, with clear height above, measured at base level only.
  • Internal balconies.
  • Structural, raked or stepped floors are to be treated as a level floor measured horizontally.
  • Horizontal floors, whether accessible or not, below structural, raked or stepped floors.
  • Mezzanine areas intended for use with permanent access.
  • Lift rooms, plant rooms, fuel stores, tank rooms which are housed in a covered structure of a permanent nature, whether or not above the main roof level.
  • Outbuildings which share at least one wall with the main building.
  • Loading bays.
  • Areas with a headroom of less than 1.5m.
  • Pavement vaults.
  • Garages.
  • Conservatories.

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