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A scaled general arrangement drawing, showing the footprint of the building in relation to the boundary


  • Detailed space planning
  • As part of an application for planning permission
  • As part of an application for building regulation approval
  • For sales and marketing purposes


  • Digital PDF print


  • Changes in surface textures
  • Vegetation
  • Impermanent bounding structures, such as temporary fences


  • Building footprint - GEA measurement at ground floor level
  • Parking area measurement
  • Parking bay count
  • Any visible and accessible structural features present on the property during the time of capture
  • Site boundary, where instructed by the owner / agent / lease agreement

Our online client portal, Stak Hub, provides access to all deliverables in a digital format

With Stak Hub, you can view and download all Stak digital assets in one convenient portal.

Stak customer using Stak Hub online client platform

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Stak is the global leader in commercial real estate measurement

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Let’s discuss your requirements

If you’re interested in Stak Core check measurement data for your buildings, or have any questions, get in touch with our team today.

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